Saturday, September 24, 2011

Humba (Braised Pork Belly) Filipino Dish Recipe

Another Filipino Dish that I love-love-love, did I say LOVE to eat. I would eat this everyday of the week if my cholesterol would let me. LOL!

This dish is called Humba (Braised Pork Belly) is one of the comfort foods in every Filipino household. It's a popular filipino food dish somewhere in the Visayas and Mindanao regions (I knew it because I used to lived there). I don't know how they called it in the Luzon region, but I knew they have a version of humba too. This dish is sometimes used to make Siopao, but that's a different blog I have to post.

OK! You need to cute the pork this small or if you prefer them bigger, it's fine too.

You will need about 3 bay leaves.

Whole black peppercorn



Brown sugar

Soy sauce

Mix well and cover with plastic wrap and place in the fridge
for 3 hours or more to marinade.

When it's ready to cook, place on a deep enough pot and boil and turn the heat down to simmer till the liquid is almost gone and the meat is tender.

Here's the recipe so you can make it as well :-)

1 lb. any pork you want, I used the think pork chop
3 bay leaves
1.2 tsp. whole peppercorns
1/3 cup vinegar
6 gloves of garlic, chopped
4 tsp. brown sugar
4 tbsp. soy sauce

Cut meat from the bone and cut into small pieces.
Mix the remaining ingredients in a bowl and marinate the meat in this mixture for about 3 hours. Then transfer to a large enough pot with cover. Boil and turn the heat down to simmer till the liquid is almost gone and the meat is tender. You can add the hard boiled eggs during this process. Serve over hot rice and enjoy.

~~ Thanks for stopping by and make sure you say Hi ~~


  1. Eddel29,
    Please let me know when you do try it. This is one of my fave to eat :-)
    Thank you!

  2. It would be yummier if you will first remove the oil in the fatty part of the meat by frying it and also add Sprite or Coke while simmering the meat. :) Leah


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